Computer graphics related links
Diffusion Curves: A Vector Representation for Smooth-Shaded
Images (2008)
- Contour-based images; Representation, Creation and Manipulation (2009)
- Papers by Alvy Ray Smith (Lucasfilm's computer division and Pixar co-founder)
- Yet More Circle Generators (1990)
- GPU Gems (look it up on a search engine; 'modern' computer graphics)
- Graphics Gems (look it up on a search engine; old-school computer graphics)
- Game Engine Black Book: Wolfenstein 3D
- Kai's
Power Tip & Tricks for Adobe Photoshop (lots of early 90s
graphics tricks)
- Karl Sims website
- Paul Bourke website
- Inigo Quilez website
- Defence force (has
some good graphics code articles in the blog section)
- Román Cortés website
(very nice tiny code algorithms idea / breakdown in the blog
section) also see v2
- Paul Malin blog (has nice detailed articles about color cycling effects; effect used in Jetpac, Space Harrier or Amiga boing ball for example)
- Math cheat sheet for 2D & 3D games (also has nice experiments)
- Poissons equation (one of the best article explaining physical phenomena simulations; can also be used for diffusion curves !)
- Nice explanation of BSP trees also this and related to Doom
Triangle rasterization also
this and to go further with optimizations
Ryg article
- Bresenham's line algorithm (implementation for common shapes, 3D, Bézier curve and anti-aliased lines)
- Fast Gaussian
blur algorithm
- Chris
Hecker technical articles (his optimized perspective texture
mapping is classic !)
- Dithering
- Numerical Recipes in C
- Chaos game, 2d / 3d wave equations etc. also has science articles
- "Evolving the real-time graphics pipeline for micropolygon rendering" (has nice illustrations and breakdown of REYES)
- Computing gradients on pixels / voxels grids (also has nice computer graphics articles)
- Approximating Images with Epicycles
- donut.c
with shifts and adds (CORDIC)
- Alpha blending and pre-multiplied alpha explanation
- Gamma correction and why it matters
- Flipcode
archives (huge list of 2000s articles about rendering)
- A gallery containing over 500 fractal images of many types
- Some simple chaotic flows
- Fractal Texture
Generator (diamond-square algorithm; very cool
- Nightdrive (minimalist JavaScript simulation of driving at night time on the motorway)
Old School
- non-programming oriented guide to Sega Mega Drive graphics
- 8-bit code in your browser
(great online platform to code on old systems !)
- Demozoo
- Pouet
- List of demo effects with details
- Marquee
design blog (nice details of code golfing intros)
- Making of "Logon's run - 3D meets the aging bits" (Amstrad CPC)
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