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Graphics programming on Acorn Archimedes / RISC OS with ARM assembly



This article is a small introduction to the world of low-level graphics code on RISC OS.

It is strongly targeting Acorn Archimedes hardware (especially 256 colors mode) but is also compatible with later hardware such as Raspberry PI running RISC OS 5.

It focus on low-level graphics programming, 256 colors mode (so Archimedes era up to now compatibility) and also 16M / 16 colors mode, it make uses of few RISC OS system calls for video setup.

Here is what the article talk about:
  1. display modes (16 colors, 256 colors and 16M + modern display mode) and text cursor setup
  2. multiple screen banks setup (for double or triple buffering), switching banks
  3. getting the screen address and drawing stuff
  4. clearing the screen
  5. waiting for VBL, polling keyboard
  6. printing characters / values
  7. using timers, computing / displaying FPS
  8. 16 colors mode / palette setup
  9. 16M colors mode (24-bit True Color)
The main goal is to let you have full control over the frame-buffer (the only way to get the most of the hardware !) with a clean graphics setup so you can do any graphics like games, demos, effects on your own, it will just boil down to writing / be proficient at ARM assembly code.

The side goal is to provide some hints at how to code graphics stuff on RISC OS and Archimedes with many links.

The code in this article is the accumulated knowledge (with help of the Stardot community) of when i started graphics programming on the Archimedes. It ended up into a personal library which can be found here.

The code use the BBC BASIC assembler syntax so can be used directly in BBC BASIC.


The code here run as-is on a stock Acorn Archimedes (and later hardware!) and does not need external programs. To start doing graphics programming on this platform you just have to:
For old RISC OS versions i recommend Zap (1.40 run on RISC OS 3) as code editor, it support syntax highlighting, line numbers and many features.

For recent RISC OS versions i recommend StrongEd which is bundled on Raspberry PI, the cool thing about StrongEd is that it comes with all the documentation you need to program on RISC OS in the form of StrongHelp which is basically a tightly integrated manuals browsing program, all RISC OS API down to ARM assembly documentation is available this way!

StrongEd also has a hex editor and a disassembler just like Zap.

StrongEd code editor with StrongHelp; a strong combination!

Have a look at the Archimedes archive for more applications.

Zap code editor running on RISC OS 3
Zap is actually more than a code editor and has extras like a hex editor and a disassembler !

Unpacking archives on RISC OS

If you want to use Zap you will have to download a ZIP file which must be unpacked in RISC OS to keep the files metadata (files type), SparkPlug extractor can be used for that on old RISC OS versions which does not support this out of the box. SparkPlug can also be found here.

What about BBC BASIC ?

This article focus on doing it all in assembly but you can do most of the things below with some easier BBC BASIC calls and only switch to assembly for performance critical parts, this is perhaps the most friendly way to code on Archimedes. The BBC BASIC manual can be found here. (also include the inline assembler documentation)

Want to code in C ?

RISC CPU are friendly to efficient code generation so C can also be a great (and less of a hassle) alternative, C compilers for early Archimedes are available here for a mid 90 version or here for a late 80s version.

Here is an example with sources of a small fixed-point 3D mesh renderer for Acorn Archimedes written in C89 and ARM assembly.

ArchieSDK is also friendly.

API Introduction

You may want to read about how to communicate with RISC OS API if you are new, two of the most important system calls (you will encounter these often for settings things up) are OS_Byte and OS_WriteC and its variant.

You may also want to look at the original ARM2 documentation which is still valid for ARM3.

Compatibility notes

  • if you want program compatibility from ARM2 (Archimedes) to Raspberry PI (and modern hardware) you must take caution of some small ARM differences (like the usage of movs which will be not compatible as-is on modern platforms unless the ARM code is in Thumb mode), in any cases it should work okay if you stay with straightforward ARM2 instructions. You must also take caution on display modes, some may not be available / compatible.
  • if you don't use BBC BASIC assembler you may have to define symbols like OS_WriteC and OS_Byte to their corresponding RISC OS constant
  • if you go with a mode which support more colors (eg. 16M colors) you may have to change how you handle the frame-buffer and adapt some of the code below (screen clearing etc.), same if you go to lower colors modes, see the 16 colors mode and 16M colors mode for example.
  • 256 colors mode code will generally works on modern RISC OS but old screen modes might not work with your monitor or work differently, refer to the old screen modes table for details
  • On platforms with a GPU (modern platforms) the bank switching must be done before the VBL wait for less tearing. So it will typically be : update back buffer, switch screen banks and wait for VSync.
  • the VIDC can be programmed directly, see the datasheet, this will break compatibility though
Note for VGA type screen mode : on early hardware (prior A3010) the detection of the monitor type is not available so you may get a different screen mode than the one which works on says A3010 even though it is compatible so you must take care of configuring your monitor type in RISC OS for these screen modes, this thing confused me a lot in the emulator because the high res mode i requested (640x480 1 bpp) which worked on A5000 didn't work as expected on early machines even though the machine monitor was set to "VGA" in the emulator.

Things to know

The frame-buffer in 256 colors mode (and below) is just a linear series of 8-bit values which represent the palette index, to draw stuff you just poke at the screen address + an offset which represent the position as computed by x + y * screenWidth. Lower colors modes may be interesting to speed things up and use less memory. (writing a word = 8px at once for example in 16 colors modes instead of 4px in 256 colors mode)

On Raspberry PI the frame-buffer in 16M colors mode (24-bit True Color) is a linear series of 24-bit values in RGB888 format.

The main graphics API for RISC OS is the VDU driver, which is provided by the kernel. Commands are invoked by sending special character codes to the VDU stream. (using SWI like eg. OS_WriteC or OS_WriteI)

You can learn more about what is possible with the VDU here.

The RISC OS graphics API has a lot of content and provide an easy way to do graphics right away (like drawing shapes), it is however slower than custom code and we will mainly use it as a way to produce our own low-level graphics code here. You are however free to mix OS calls and your own graphics code which can become handy for non time critical stuff.

On the first Archimedes (A3xx) there is about 160000 cycles available between VBL. (interlaced, it is about 300 less without interlacing) Video / sound may steal some of those cycles (and memory refresh outside active display) so there is a bit less available in reality.

To quit your program properly a call to OS_Exit must be made at the end of your program.

1) Display modes (256 colors) and VDU setup

  1. only enable OS_WriteC (and others) VDU output through OS_Byte 3 (disable printer / serial driver since we will not use them, we will use the VDU output a lot however)
  2. setup 256 colors 320x256 display mode with VDU code 22 (switching mode is as easy as changing 13 to another constant like 9 for 16 colors mode 320x256)
  3. disable blinking text cursor with OS_RemoveCursors (can also be disabled with VDU code 23,1)
; 1.
mov r0,#3
mov r1,#84
swi "OS_Byte"

; 2.
mov r0,#22
swi "OS_WriteC"
mov r0,#13
swi "OS_WriteC"

; 3.
swi "OS_RemoveCursors"

OS_WriteI which write an immediate byte may replace MOV + OS_WriteC (compact code), here is an example which replace the second step of the code above :

swi &116 ; 22
swi &10D ; 13

2) Multiple screen banks, switching banks and updating screen address

This part is optional if you don't need double buffering / more screen memory. Switching display mode will always allocate enough screen memory for the selected mode.

'Banks' are just some allocated space in memory that can be switched easily and quickly through the bank switching method.

If you need multiple screen banks you must allocate twice or more the amount of screen memory, this part show how to do that easily for any number of banks needed.
  1. get current mode (320x256) screen size with OS_ReadModeVariable where 7 is querying the OS for "Number of bytes for entire screen display"
  2. compute the total amount of bytes to hold all the banks (here 2 for double buffering, 3 for triple etc.)
  3. get current number of bytes allocated for the screen area with OS_ReadDynamicArea
  4. increase screen area size (relative to current) with OS_ChangeDynamicArea so that it fit our banks
Note: you may wonder why we have to do the 3 / 4 step in order to allocate (instead of just allocating right away), the reason is mostly because OS API only support relative + - allocation. (probably due to backward compatibility with Arthur OS ?)

; 1.
mvn r0,#0
mov r1,#7
swi "OS_ReadModeVariable"

; 2
mov r3,#2 ; number of banks
mul r1,r2,r3
mov r2,r1

; 3
mov r0,#2
swi "OS_ReadDynamicArea"

; 4
sub r1,r2,r1
mov r0,#2
swi "OS_ChangeDynamicArea"

Why you may need more banks (others than multiple buffering)

More screen memory (banks) may become handy if you have drawing code that get outside the bottom area. Your program may crash without more screen memory. Having more let your graphics to go onto the other screen once it reach the bottom so by clever usage of banks you may allow top/bottom overflow and it may be handy for debugging / optimization or special effects.

Switching banks

Once enough memory is allocated for the screen banks you can switch the visible bank with OS_Byte 113 and you can redirect all VDU drivers calls to another bank with OS_Byte 112. For double buffering you need to do that once per loop: one bank is displayed while the other bank is written and then you flip them once done.

Here is a routine that switch between two screen banks in the case of double buffering (as setup above):

  dcd 1
  ; select the visible screen bank
  mov r0,#113
  ldr r1,gfxUtilsCurrentScreenBank
  swi "OS_Byte"

  ; increase current bank by one, if over 2 go back to the first bank
  ldr r1,gfxUtilsCurrentScreenBank
  add r1,r1,#1
  cmp r1,#2
  ble gfxUtilsDoNotResetBank
  mov r1,#1
  str r1,gfxUtilsCurrentScreenBank

  ; select the VDU/draw bank
  mov r0,#112
  swi "OS_Byte"
 mov r15,r14

This routine is flexible enough for triple buffering with little changes.

Shortcut way to allocate screen banks

Since switching mode always allocate enough screen memory for the mode you can use this behavior to let it allocate banks without a call to OS_ChangeDynamicArea by switching to a higher mode prior your mode, this may prove useful for code golfing stuff because switching mode can be done in two instructions. eg: switch to mode 15 (640x480 256 colors) then mode 13 (320x240 256 colors) to get a double screen memory (so two banks) for your mode 13 setup.

Once the VDU/draw bank is switched you will need to get the current screen address to start drawing stuff.

3) Getting the screen address and drawing

This part deal with getting the screen address so we can start drawing stuff by writing some bytes !

Getting the current screen address can be done with OS_ReadVduVariables with VDU variable 148 as parameter:

; parameters for OS_ReadVduVariables
 dcd 148
 dcd -1
; this will contain the current screen address once gfxUtilsUpdateScreenAddr is called
; you can access this at any times after an update with eg. ldr r0,gfxUtilsScreenAddr
 dcd 0

  adr r0,gfxUtilsScreenAddrInput
  adr r1,gfxUtilsScreenAddr
  swi "OS_ReadVduVariables"
 mov r15,r14

Calling gfxUtilsUpdateScreenAddr will put the screen address at the location pointed by gfxUtilsScreenAddr label.

If you use a single screen bank you just call gfxUtilsUpdateScreenAddr once before your main loop.

For multiple banks you will need to call it every times you switch banks so you get the current VDU/draw bank screen address at the location pointed by gfxUtilsScreenAddr label.

Once called changing pixels color is as easy as writing bytes (or words) to the screen address + adding some offset:

ldr r0,gfxUtilsScreenAddr ; get screen address (after gfxUtilsUpdateScreenAddr is called)
add r0,r0,#120 ; pixel position as computed by x + y * screenWidth
mov r1,#128 ; some palette index which will be the color of the pixel
strb r1,[r0] ; plot

It may be useful to get the screen size (in bytes) as well which can be done with OS_ReadModeVariable :

; this will contain the current screen size (in bytes) once gfxUtilsUpdateScreenSize is called
; you can access this at any times after an update with eg. ldr r0,gfxUtilsScreenSize
 dcd 0

 mvn r0,#0
 mov r1,#7 ; get screen size
 swi "OS_ReadModeVariable"
 str r2,gfxUtilsScreenSize
mov r15,r14

4) Clearing the screen

Clearing the screen can probably be done with OS calls (VDU 12 or VDU 16 seems a good start) eg: a short and easy way to clear the graphics window (VDU 16) : swi OS_WriteI+16

The following code show how to clear the screen manually.

The straightforward version use a loop with strb instruction, it is kinda slow:

; r0 = offset to add to current screen address (start position, 0 = top left)
; r1 = screen size (in bytes, so like 320*256)
; r2 = color (palette index)
  ldr r3,gfxUtilsScreenAddr
  add r0,r3,r0
    strb r2,[r0],#1
    subs r1,r1,#1
    bne gfxUtilsClearScreenLoop
  mov r15,r1

The routine above is just like a memset, the parameters are just the offset at which you want to start clearing the screen, the amount of pixels to clear and the color (palette index).

The clear screen routine below use ARM block copy instructions which is probably the fastest method to clear the screen, clearing 40 pixels at a time:

; r0 = offset to add to current screen address (start position, 0 = top left)
; r1 = 40px based length, in 320x256 mode a full-screen clear is (320*256 / 40)
; r2 = color (palette index)
  ; get screen address in r3, see "Getting the screen address" above
  ldr r3,gfxUtilsScreenAddr
  ; add offset (so you can start clearing at a specific position)
  add r0,r3,r0

  ; propagate clearing color to all the bytes (4px per register)
  orr r2,r2,r2, LSL #8
  orr r2,r2,r2, LSL #16

  ; prepare 40px block
  mov r2,r2:mov r3,r2:mov r4,r2:mov r5,r2
  mov r6,r2:mov r7,r2:mov r8,r2:mov r9,r2:mov r10,r2
  mov r11,r2
  ; clear screen 40px at a time
   stmia r0!,{r2-r11}
   subs r1,r1,#1
  bne clearScreen
 mov r15,r14

This routine handle all screen resolution if it is divisible by 40. (most screen mode on Archimedes)

The routine can be adjusted to clear even more pixels at once (up to 52) by using the remaining registers (r12, r13, r14) where r14 (which will contain the routine return address) must be stored prior the screen clearing and restored after. The only downside is that you may write outside screen boundary if your number of pixels is not divisible by 52. This is why i settled with 40 pixels block on the routine above as it can handle most of the Archimedes modes.

A routine which handle the overflow is possible and not necessarily complex but is a bit too long to show here.

The fastest version on ARM2 (56px at once) can be done by unrolling the loop at the price of dense code. This may be slower on ARM3 due to the cache.

In 16 colors mode 112px can be cleared at once etc.!

5) Waiting for VBL, polling keyboard


For smooth visuals with no tearing you may want Vertical synchronization. This can be done easily with OS call OS_Byte 19 which will wait until the beam reach the bottom of the screen, then you are free to draw stuff if you use a single bank or switch banks.

mov r0,#19
swi "OS_Byte"

Checking for pressed keys

You may want to poll the keyboard for pressed keys. This is done by scanning for a particular key with OS_Byte 129:

; check if a key is pressed
; Z = 1 if pressed
; r0 = keycode
  eor r1,r0,#&FF
  mov r0,#129
  mov r2,#255
  swi "OS_Byte"
  cmp r1,#255 ; &FF if pressed 0 otherwise
 mov r15,r14

This scan for a single key but OS_Byte 129 can also do more (scan a range or scan with a time limit), keycodes can be found here.

Quick check for escape key

OS_ReadEscapeState SWI can be used to check escape key state as a single instruction.

 swi "OS_ReadEscapeState" ; check key state (will set C flag)
bcc loop ; loop unless C flag is set (ESCAPE key is pressed)

6) Printing characters and values

Characters output with the text cursor (some sort of text mode API) is a flexible way to draw characters easily (for debugging, text-adventure games etc.), the API support a wide range of controls for things like linefeed, text position etc. you can also customize the way it is rendered.

Printing text can be done easily with OS call OS_WriteS:

swi "OS_WriteS"
 equs "Hello World!" ; any strings
 dcb 0 ; must always end by a null byte
 align ; keep things word aligned

RISC OS API also provide a way to format values (see any OS_Convert* OS call in the SWI list) which may be extremely convenient for debugging and games:

 adr r1,vIntegerToPrint
 mov r2,#12
 swi "OS_ConvertInteger4"
 swi "OS_WriteS"
  dcd 0
  dcd 0
  dcd 0
 mov r15,r14

Calling sysUtilsPrintInteger will print the value in r0.

To control the text cursor position and appearance see text cursor VDU calls.

7) Using timers (computing / displaying FPS)

Timers are necessary for a wide range of things:
  • bench-marking your code / monitoring frame rate
  • maintaining the same animation speed when your code run on a 1987 8MHz CPU and when it run on a faster CPU
RISC OS provide a centiseconds resolution timer with OS call OS_ReadMonotonicTime.

Here is an example of a centiseconds counter as a set of routines:

; start a simple centi-seconds timer
  swi "OS_ReadMonotonicTime"
  str r0,sysUtilsTimerAddr
  mov r15,r14

; will hold start time
  dcd 0

; stop timer
; r0 = centiseconds elapsed between start / stop call
  swi "OS_ReadMonotonicTime"
  ldr r1,sysUtilsTimerAddr
  sub r0,r0,r1
  str r0,sysUtilsTimerAddr
 mov r15,r14

Call sysUtilsStartTimer then later sysUtilsStopTimer and you will get the elapsed time (centiseconds) between both calls in r0.

There is some ways to have higher resolution timers (as used by RasterMan which provide HSYNC / raster line interrupt on Acorn Archimedes, something difficult to do as it require very high precision timer) but it is out of scope, centiseconds resolution should be sufficient for many things.

Frame rate

The frames per second can be computed / displayed with this set of routines:

; initialize FPS timer
; r0 = modified
 swi "OS_ReadMonotonicTime"
 str r0,sysUtilsFPSTimer
 mov r15,r14

 dcd 0
 dcd 0
 dcd 0

; compute FPS
; r0,r1 = modified
 swi "OS_ReadMonotonicTime"
 ldr r1,sysUtilsFPSTimer
 sub r0,r0,r1
 cmp r0,#100
 ble sysUtilsFPSIncFrame
   ldr r0,sysUtilsFPSFrame
   str r0,sysUtilsFPS
   mov r0,#0
   str r0,sysUtilsFPSFrame
   swi "OS_ReadMonotonicTime"
   str r0,sysUtilsFPSTimer
  mov r15,r14
  ldr r0,sysUtilsFPSFrame
  add r0,r0,#1
  str r0,sysUtilsFPSFrame
 mov r15,r14

; print FPS
; r0,r1,r2,r13 = modified
 swi "OS_WriteS"
  equs "FPS: "
  dcb 0
 ldr r0,sysUtilsFPS
 mov r13,r14
 bl sysUtilsPrintInteger
 mov r15,r13

Call sysUtilsInitFPSTimer before your main loop then call sysUtilsComputeFPS / sysUtilsPrintFPS at the end of your main loop.

You may have to call VDU 30 to move the text cursor to its 'home' position after printing the value. VDU 13 which only reset the X position of the text cursor also works.

Note: OS_Word can also be used for its interval timer / system clock which are readable and writable, this may be more convenient to use.

8) 16 colors mode / palette setup

16 colors mode may be interesting to speed things up and use less memory.

The main difference between 16 / 256 colors mode is that a byte (so a pixel in 256 colors mode) hold two pixels in 16 colors mode, each 4-bit data represent the palette index so you can actually change 8 pixels at a time if you write a word value.

Note that it take 2x less memory than the 256 colors mode, for screen coordinates you may have to divide by two since a byte is actually two pixels.

The code below remain relevant for low colors modes after some small changes.

Palette setup

Palette setup can be done with VDU 19 mode 16, the routine below take an address in r0 where a whole palette (so 16 x R,G,B values) is stored as a series of 3 bytes value. Note that to pick from the 4096 possible colors each colors byte must go by increment of 16, this give a total of 16 possible values for each color components.

 ; 16 colors dummy VDU 19 command pal data which will get modified by the routine below
  dcb 19
  dcb 0 ; palette index
  dcb 16
  dcb 0 ; r
  dcb 0 ; g
  dcb 0 ; b
 ; = setup 16 colors palette
 ; r0 = palette data address (serie of bytes which represent red,green,blue for 16 colors)
  mov r3,r0
  adr r0,gfxUtilsPalData
  mov r1,#6
  mov r2,#0
   ldrb r4,[r3],#1
   strb r4,[r0,#3]
   ldrb r4,[r3],#1
   strb r4,[r0,#4]
   ldrb r4,[r3],#1
   strb r4,[r0,#5]
   strb r2,[r0,#1]
   swi "OS_WriteN"

   add r2,r2,#1
   cmp r2,#16
   bne gfxUtilsSetupPalette16Loop
  mov r15,r14

  • OS_Word 12 can also be used to setup the palette, it may be faster than the routine above, easier and a bit more flexible.
  • VDU 19 specific modes can be useful to also change the border and cursor colors, you can also define some colors to flash by changing the flashing palettes individually (it swap between two palette at regular interval) which may be useful in some games, VDU 19 mode 16 actually set both flashing palette so you don't see any flashing colors and it act like a normal palette.

Clearing the screen

Here is a screen clearing routine similar to the 256 colors mode except that we pack the palette index from r0 into all 4-bit group of r0 so the strb instruction actually change two pixels value at a time.

  ; r0 = color (palette index)
  ; r1 = offset to add (in bytes)
  ; r2 = screen size (in bytes)
    orr r0,r0,r0, LSL #4

    ldr r3,gfxUtilsScreenAddr
    add r1,r3,r1
     strb r0,[r1],#1
     subs r2,r2,#1
     bne gfxUtilsClearScreenLoop
   mov r15,r14


Since a byte contain 2 pixels the pixel drawing routine must only change 4 bits of a byte compared to the 256 colors mode (you may also need to combine what is on screen as well so you don't update other pixels) :

ldr r0,gfxUtilsScreenAddr ; get screen address (after gfxUtilsUpdateScreenAddr is called)
add r0,r0,#1 ; pixel position on the 4bpp screen grid for x = 3 y = 0 as computed by ((x + y * screenWidth) >> 1)
and r1,r0,#1 ; compute the shift value
mov r1,r1,LSL #2 ; scale the shift value by the amount of bits needed for a pixel
mov r2,#240 ; palette value = 1111 (so 15); this value must be stored as if it was shifted left by 4 for the next step
mov r2,r2,LSR r1 ; 'select' left or right pixel depending on computed shift above
ldrb r3,[r0] ; get pixel value
orr r2,r2,r3 ; mix it
strb r1,[r0] ; plot

The code is about the same for lower bpp modes but with different shift constants, 1 bpp mode is a bit easier because you don't have to scale the shift value.

9) 16M colors mode (True Color)

16M colors mode (24-bit True Color) is the way to go on Raspberry PI and modern platforms.

There is two differences for this mode compared to previous modes :
  • the pixels format is RGB888 (24-bit) so a word (32 bit value) is a single pixel
  • modern graphics stuff should be configured with OS_ScreenMode (SWI &65) calls

Switching mode

Modern modes require a call to OS_ScreenMode which was added in version 3.5 of RISC OS, there is several ways to do it, here i show how to use a mode string (there is also the mode selector way which may be shorter) :

; old way (ie. Archimedes / old RISC OS versions)
; mov r0,#22
; swi "OS_WriteC"
; mov r0,#13
; swi "OS_WriteC"

; modern way of selecting a screen mode with a mode string
mov r0,#15
adr r1,screenMode
swi &65

; 1920x1080 True Color 60Hz mode
 equs "X1920 Y1080 C16M F60"
 equb 0

Click here for the documentation of the mode string.

Clearing the screen

; r0 = 24-bit color (RGB888 format)
 ldr r1,gfxUtilsScreenAddr
 ldr r2,gfxUtilsScreenSize
  str r0,[r1],#1
  sub r2,r2,#1
  cmp r2,#0
  bne gfxUtilsClearScreenLoop16m
mov r15,r14

Aside : Default 256 colors palette generator

Here is a small JavaScript snippet that generate the default 256 colors palette :

for (let i = 0; i <= 255; i += 1) {
 let ix = i << 4
 let iy = (ix / 256) << 4
 pal[i] = {
  r: 17 * ((i & 7) | ((i & 16) >> 1)),
  g: 17 * ((i & 3) | ((i & 96) >> 3)),
  b: 17 * ((i & 3) | ((i & 8) >> 1) | ((i & 128) >> 4))

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