Acorn Archimedes: A dive into the late 80s

I have been busy lately programming on the Acorn
Archimedes, a series of RISC
home computers of the late 80s (1987) sporting one of the first
(32 bits) microprocessor. ARM is to this day very popular in
embedded systems like smartphones due to low-power
I never owned one (mostly started with ~90s x86
based PC; also had a short Atari ST period in ~2005) but of all
systems i know off of that time, this one was to me the most
It was moderately popular and was mostly used in UK
with education / business as a target. It was very widely used in
UK schools. It was then supplanted by the RISC PC series in the
90s which are also decent computers.
My main initial goal was to find a suitable retro
80s home computer 16-bit or 32-bit to code for which sported
- a simple, fast and elegant hardware / software architecture
preferably with no cache (to remain as
simple as possible to optimize)
- decent chunky
frame-buffer graphics capabilities with many colors a plus (the
Archimedes is unfortunately not really great when it come to
- all the development (high / low levels) tools readily available on the machine
All of this wasn't easy to find, most home computers at that
time were using planar
graphics and some used many dedicated components to do stuff faster
(eg: Amiga
500), this made them slightly harder to master and more complex
on the hardware side although they were cheaper than the
On the development tools requirement most computers at that
time were bundled with a BASIC
environment but most were not that great (performances or
features) and were not able to let the user go on lower level
(assembly) as needed.
Of all the computers of that time the Archimedes stand out for
checking all the points above and many more like compatibility of
software up to this day due to the long standing and still being
worked on RISC
OS / ARM combinations: software written for the late 80s
machines can still work nowadays on a Raspberry PI
running RISC OS for example which is admirable considering how
fast things get flushed out in computing history.
Id guess the Macintosh II was
also attractive and matched some of the requirements but those were
double the price so i do not consider them as home (affordable)
computers although they were much better in term of graphics
A rare alternative also is the Enterprise
128 released in 1985 which had a 256 colors chunky frame-buffer
with a 3-3-2 bit RGB palette, a good BASIC and custom chips (which
are somewhat linked to Acorn due to one of its designer), the main
drawback of the Enterprise is that the 256 colors mode was very low
resolution (80x256) and it was still a 8-bit machine. (Z80A
To digress further on 8-bit machine the early Atari XL/XE
were also very interesting machines with powerful graphics
capabilities for the time (due to dedicated components) as seen on
all the wonderful
demos, some display modes (GTIA) can get
pretty close to a chunky frame-buffer!
In term of amount of colors the Commodore
Plus/4 is also a great alternative for the time with its 121
colors palette (although playing on luminance) and 320x200
Back to the 16-bit / 32-bit a common alternative were PCs
based on Intel 80286 or i386 CPU, i somewhat like
the 80286 due to being 16-bit (although i dislike segmented
memory), there is a wide choice also in video standards on PC
such as 256 colors MCGA
(roughly 2x the price of the Archimedes at the time though) or even
VGA, some
of the video modes are incredibly simple to program.
There is also powerful Japanese computers such as the FM Towns and X68000 but those were
much more expensive than the Archimedes. (double if not more the
There is also all the non home computers which were used for
industrial stuff such as the Aesthedes which had
powerful graphics capabilities but this is another
The simple and efficient hardware / software of the Archimedes
The Acorn Archimedes started in 1987 with the 400 series and
its 8 MHz ARM2 RISC CPU with three
custom chips dedicated to memory (MEMC), video / sound (VIDC)
and I/O (IOC) controls.
It was declined in different models with different memory
capacity. (up to 8Mb then up to 16Mb with the introduction of ARM3
in late 1990)
The ARM 2 had about 4 MIPS (7
MIPS on later models when clock frequency was increased to 12 MHz)
with 27,000 transistors which was less transistors
than late 70s 16-bits CPU such as Intel 8086, this show how
efficient and ahead of its time RISC design was.
It was one of the fastest home computer in 1987 due to the
simplicity and elegance of the newly built ARM / RISC architecture,
most instructions takes as low as one clock cycle to execute.
As an example, there was no need of custom chips for memory
load/copy because the CPU was already capable of loading or copying
up to 15 words efficiently (32 bits data) with a single instruction
(stm*, ldm*) and with a ~4x speedup (maybe
even more !) compared to similar instructions on Motorola 68000
CPU. It could also
beat PCs with Intel 286 / early 386. There was no custom chips
to draw graphics such as sprites, these were all handled in
In 256 colors modes with one instruction you can fetch / copy
up to 52 pixels at a time, with one instruction you can also clear
the screen 56 pixels blocks at a time in few clock
cycles. (note: this is not a full replacement of a
Bit blit
custom chip such as in Amiga which do way more than just a fast
load/copy but the CPU / hardware is so fast that it will be on par
in the end although it is more limited for some tricks)
The ARM instruction set is also packed with smart features
such as reusing its
barrel shifter for immediate value encoding which is a bit
confusing at first. There is a total of nine basic instruction
The barrel shifter can be used at the same time as other
instructions (can do a MOV with a bit shift in a single cycle !),
this allow fast single-instruction operations which is a blast
compared to
cycles variable shifts on e.g. Motorola 68000 CPU.
Instructions can also 'embed a condition' (eg. execute
instruction if some flag is set) so you can sometimes group
instructions as a single instruction, this help code density and
The ARM2 had no cache yet (also no
predictor) because RAM/CPU speed were roughly on par (cache
came later with the ARM3 in 1990 machines), the absence of cache
and the overall simplicity of the CPU make it a bliss to program
for, there is very few hidden abstraction layer when it come to
optimize code, it also had plenty registers (16 with more available
by switching processor mode), all except the last one were general
purpose registers.
The few 'hidden abstraction' are due to the custom chips /
ram, for example
alignment may matter.
Higher level languages were also able to generate effective
code due to its RISC nature.
One of the downside of the ARM CPU was code density due to all
instructions being encoded as 4 bytes so a program took more memory
than if it was using x86 instructions for example, even worse if
the program used aggressive optimization like loop unrolling, this
may have been improved with the ARM3 and its cache though.
The early ARM CPU have a multiply instruction which was quite
fast which took 2 cycles at best and 17 cycles at worst, it doesn't
have a divide instruction though and has no hardware support for
floating-point arithmetic as standard, floating-point arithmetic is
available through emulation by RISC OS or with additional
Here are the features of the CPU (taken from the official 1987
* 32-bit data bus
* 26-bit address bus giving a 64-MByte uniform address space
* Support for virtual memory systems
* Simple but powerful instruction set
* Co-Processor interface for instruction set extension
* Good high-level language compiler support
* Peak execution rate of 10 million instructions per second (MIPS)
* Fast interrupt response for real-time applications
* Low power consumption (0.1 W typical) with a single +5 V supply
* 84-pin JEDEC B leadless chip carrier or plastic leaded chip carrier
As for the low power
VIDC (Video Controller), it is highly programmable with 8, 12,
16 or 24MHz pixels rate and plenty modes. This combined with highly
programmable screen parameters allow it to reach very high
resolutions in monochrome mode, this wasn't common in 1987 in home
computers, it is a very flexible controller albeit with an odd 256
colors palette choice. (see graphics capabilities below)
There is plenty more to the hardware side of the Archimedes
like podules (additional modules which were handy to add SCSI
drives, MIDI, video capture cards etc.) which will be not talked
here because i simply didn't explored them yet. There is also
like the Acorn AKA20 We32206 Floating Point Co-Processor and FPA10
for the ARM3.
Of historical significance the ARM250 (starting with the A3010
in 1992) was also the worlds first System on a
Chip (SoCs) a single-chip design including the functionality of
an ARM2 / ARM3 (still without cache), the IOC1, VIDC1a and MEMC1a
chips all integrated into a single chip. The ARM250 was in-between
ARM 2 and ARM 3 and was running at a clock frequency of
12 MHz, it was also used in conjunction with slightly faster
memory chips.
So what about the hardware downsides of the Archimedes ? If
taken as-is the hardware was great but of course there is always
shortcoming due to making compromises, some downside which can be
cited are the 4 MB RAM limit on the early Archimedes, shared video
memory and not that quick Podule bus which made some things
impossible like a real graphics card. Most of those issues are not
that big and were handled later on but they still exist on early
Archimedes. As for the durability some of the early Archimedes now
suffer from battery leakage. The early memory controllers also had
some issues.
To conclude on the hardware side of the Archimedes, we can say
that this computer was mostly relying on the usage of its fast CPU
for everything with the help of a few elegantly built custom chips
for memory / video / IO.
Software (RISC OS 2 and 3)

The Operating System of the Archimedes at launch was the
OS which was unfortunately rushed (Arthur is a pun related to
how rushed the OS was) written as a stop-gap for the 1989 version
called RISC OS 2. Arthur OS was not a multitasking operating system
and was a bit of an empty shell. Still, both versions provided a
full desktop environment with a window manager and overlapping
In between the release of Arthur OS and RISC OS there was
released in 1988 which was a Unix OS designed to run on specific
Archimedes workstations series, it will works on a A540 with a SCSI
card or by using a specific disk driver,
older Archimedes needs some hardware upgrade (MEMC1a, VIDC1a) to
make it compatible.
OS 2 (as seen above although it is RISC OS 3 which didn't
change much in term of design) is where things started to be
interesting with the OS supporting co-operative
multitasking with some limitations, it was reasonably well
designed with plenty innovative features such as:
- anti-aliased fonts
- drag-n-drop support (even for saving files)
- dedicated menu button on the mouse (middle button), there is no menu bars anywhere due to that, apps menu are accessible using the middle mouse button. The other two mouse buttons were select, which behaved like a normal mouse button and adjust which did the sort of things you need to resort to shift-click on other platforms
- task bar / icon bar (icons which depict running apps)
It is a great operating system (require a little adaptation
time, some of the things is very different than others OS), it is
nicely designed, accessible and powerful. The user can do plenty
things with the bare OS, there is a command-line
shell available at all time (by pressing F12) with most OS API
interface exposed as commands and it support some kind of commands
script called
It is also very lightweight, running in 512kb ROM (!) at first
and is fast to boot. The API and documentation is also clean.
It was also one of the first 32 bits WIMP
RISC OS 3 which came later was bundled with some decent
applications (can be seen in the screenshot above), RISC OS 2 also
had applications but they were available externally.
RISC OS files manager has an useful way to serve applications
as an executable directory if some care is taken to conform to some
recommended practices on the files layout. To give a practical
example, if you double-click on an application icon (just some
directories with names starting with "!"), RISC OS will
automatically look inside that application directory for some set of
files and especially one called !Run (which is a script file),
and run it.
There is way more things about RISC OS that i did not have
explored in details yet such as the Filer (the files manager),
desktop / boot files which also seems interesting. There is also
modules, 'low-level' programming routines that can extend or
replace parts of the operating system. They can be used to add new
SWIs and * Commands.
Disregarding Arthur OS, RISC OS was probably a better OS than
many alternative of that time (like Atari TOS) due to thoughtful
user centered design and features.
RISC OS is a single-user cooperatively
multi-tasked operating system which means that one misbehaving
application can stall the system (applications needs to be made to
cooperate with each others), it is also easy to crash the whole
system since there is minimal kernel and memory protection,
advantages among other things is a simpler OS architecture, good
performance and easiness of writing bare metal programs which use
all the available resources.
Software (BBC Basic V)
RISC OS was also bundled with
BBC BASIC V, probably one of the most powerful / fast
interpreted BASIC ! Mostly because it was made by the same team
which conceived the CPU and the OS.
BBC BASIC V had innovative features such as good quality
inline low-level assembly support and powerful ones like EVAL or
dynamic variables creation, it is also tightly coupled with the OS
interface, most of the things that would seem not possible with
standard BASIC languages is just doable with BBC BASIC V due to its
high flexibility. It feels like a proper high level language albeit
with BASIC syntax.
Coupled with RISC OS API/Commands/Obey files, BBC BASIC make
the Archimedes a blissful machine to works on, think about
it: with a bare Archimedes in 1989 running RISC OS 2 you have
everything at your fingertips to program anything you wanted
because a tightly coupled, fast, accessible and powerful high level
language is available.
BBC BASIC V can also serve as a complete macro assembler OR
also provide abilities to mix BASIC and low-level assembly code for
the most critical part of your code. You don't need additional
software, all was provided and all of these were quality
I actually do all my Archimedes programming under RISC OS 3
running on a ARM3 35MHz Archimedes (with
Arculator), i have built my own dedicated macro assembler which
can be seen as a simple wrapper to the BBC BASIC V inline assembler
(but more focused on writing low-level machine code), all of that
from scratch with bundled stock software, nothing else was ever
Graphics capabilities

Star Fighter 3000
The Archimedes was mainly sold as a business / education
platform which was a bit of a shame because its gaming capabilities
were also nice with
several graphics mode available, from 160x256 to 640x512 in 2 /
4 / 16 / 256 colors.
There is a chunky
frame-buffer of 8 bits per pixel with double buffering (and
more) out of the box, RISC OS make it easy to setup different
screen banks with ability to switch between them with a single OS
There is support for a single hardware sprite with fixed width
and of any height which was mainly used for the cursor.
The chunky frame-buffer can be seen as a big improvement
(easier) compared to planar graphics for all per-pixels graphics
The VIDC (Video Controller) allow vertical hardware scrolling,
horizontal scrolling is also possible by using hardware tricks (DMA
/ video registers). The hardware does not provide a horizontal
raster interrupt though so some of the "raster" based effects (like
or getting more colors on screen by switching graphics mode) very
popular on 8-bit / 16-bit machines / PC / Atari ST / Amiga are not
possible out of the box, it can still be done of course through
IOC timer-triggered interrupt but it is not so easy unless the
Rasterman module is used.
The Archimedes was one of the first home computer to sport
high amount of 3D games (for the niche gaming market it was), it
was of course due to its fast CPU and chunky frame-buffer which
allowed them to run with moderately low development efforts. Most
featured high amount of filled polygons for the time.
Smoothest 3D games on 1987 8 MHz Archimedes are those
featuring filled polygons, some of them like Zarch run at 25 FPS with many
effects like particles, shadows...
Later games sports texture mapping and are smoothest on later
machines (ARM250, ARM3) but some of them are still playable on 1987
One of the most impressive 3D game (as seen above) on that
platform is Star
Fighter 3000 which is playable on a 8 MHz 1987 Archimedes ! It
sports a textured tiled ground plane, plenty filled polygons
graphics and particles with impressive gameplay features. Some
other impressive 3D games are Chopper Force, Drifter, DarkWood,
Also, one of the best version of Elite (a 3D space game which
sported an innovative procedural universe) was also made for the
Most of the 3D games were running smoothly (like Elite) on the
Archimedes compared to other versions. There is also some decent 2D
games like Populous, Lemmings etc.
You can even find a video of Doom 2 running on ARM250 (12MHz)
Archimedes here! A bit slow
but not that bad considering it is probably not optimized for the
It was capable of displaying a maximum of 256 colors
out of a 4096 colors palette. The screen modes provided in RISC OS
offer a maximum of 2, 4, 16 or 256 simultaneous on screen
There is a fundamental difference between the 256
colors modes and those offering fewer colors. In modes having less
than 256 colors you can redefine the palette to include any
selection from the 4096 available. In 256 colors modes you are
pretty much restricted to a fixed set of 256 colors as we will
256 colors ? Yes but...
The not so great thing about the 256 colors mode is its
inflexibility, it was mostly fixed with only 16 colors that you can
change at anytime, the other colors depend on your 16 colors
That is why most 256 colors graphics program do not bother to
change the default palette, the Archimedes 256 colors mode is
severely limited in term of flexibility. There is only 16 shade of
grey available for example and you cannot make them available

if you change one of the top row color, all of
the other colors of the column will change
The default palette (as seen above) is decent but show its
limits plenty of times with highly saturated colors, this actually
give some recognizable characters to Archimedes graphics
As for built-in graphics code the OS API / BBC BASIC V also
provide many graphics function to draw shapes, clear the screen or
do some common graphics operations, they are reasonably fast but of
course cannot match hand made code.
Overall i think the Archimedes computers was almost like the
dream home computer of the late 80s (and early 90s) i was looking
for, only if it didn't have that strange way of handling 256 colors
for graphics program. (they probably had their reasons at the time
but still, the 256 colors inflexibility is kinda irritating)
I did not talk about sounds capabilities but it was decent
back then with eight-channel, 8-bit, stereo sound. (the only
downside is its filtered output)
I also did not talk much about the VIDC1 programming
capabilities where custom screen modes can be built allowing as
much as a 1440x900@60Hz (monochrome) resolution on 1987 computer
without additional hardware. This is clearly unmatched by any home
computers at that time...
The sole fact programming for it can still somewhat serve in
the actual world (as an introduction to ARM, it is in almost all
smartphones !) coupled by the fact programs from 1987 onward to
2022 still work is nothing more than astonishing and a marvel in
engineering. (Note: there is still some compatibility issues for
early programs due to some hardware differences along the years but
it is possible and easy to make it works)
I also appreciate that the ARM CPU can still be found in many
2000s products (GBA, 3DS, GP2X, single-board computers etc.), so it
span several generations.
One of my favorite feature introduced by the Acorn Archimedes
is the RISC OS / BBC BASIC V combo, you don't need anything else to
code on the Archimedes than with the bundled tools.
If you enjoyed reading this technical ride of the early Acorn
Archimedes, you might also enjoy reading about the peoples which
made the Archimedes possible such as Sophie Wilson and
Furber, Acorn history is full of innovations by very talented
To conclude i would say that the Archimedes was an awesome
computer with great ideas and execution, it is easy and fun to
program, the architecture is elegant and with quality software.
Definitely a 32-bit favorite of mine from the 80-95 era. I don't
know much of the RISC PC which come after the Archimedes but i
would say it is relatively comparable and continuing the legacy
although it seems there is serious flaw in hardware (the bus) which
affected later models so probably less elegant overall.
Thanks to the Stardot
community (on discord) since they answered many of my questions
regarding the Archimedes.
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