Personal Wiki / Blog
An expression place where i put articles of various
kinds / show things i am currently doing.
- 30/11/2024 :
Writing a small Forth-based RPI OS : Part 2 (ARM Forth
- 30/11/2024 :
Writing a small Forth-based RPI OS : Part 1 (Das U-Boot
- 16/11/2024 :
Writing a primitive Forth interpreter in JavaScript
- 07/12/2023 : Tiny code 3x3 pixels patterns
- 03/10/2023 :
AVX2 depth buffer check and 32-bit to 24-bit data
- 18/07/2023 : fsynth
- 30/10/2022 :
Cheap custom VPN on AWS EC2 and virtualization
- 25/09/2022 :
Tiny bit-field based text
- 24/07/2022 : Moving
to lower tech
- 16/05/2022 :
BASS - BBC BASIC Assembler
- 02/05/2022 :
Archimedes ARM2 ~50 FPS height-field rendering / voxel
- 30/04/2022 :
Acorn Archimedes / RISC OS graphics programming with ARM
- 27/04/2022 :
ARM2+ LZ4 decompression routine
- 23/04/2022 : Minisleep :
a tiny wiki / blog engine
- 21/04/2022 : Acorn
Archimedes : A dive into the 80s
The wiki section with hopefully useful content and things i
keep track off.
- Various
- My fun list of musical finds (patterns similarities etc.)
- Video game
- Computer graphics tricks (memo)
- Code snippets
- Digital esoterism
- Rants / Random
thoughts / Reviews
Acorn Archimedes (80s 90s computers) articles
- Acorn Archimedes introduction
- Graphics programming with ARM assembly on the Archimedes and RISC OS computers
ARM2 8 MHz ~50 FPS 3D Height-field
- BBC BASIC Assembler
Codegolf / demoscene articles
- Tiny bit-field based text renderer
- Tiny code 3x3 pixels patterns
- Code golf tricks and technical details of my small programs
Forth / OSDev articles
ARM articles
Feel free to contact me for errors, details etc.

200? - 2023 Farewell my dear
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